We, as human beings, spend a large part of our lives sleeping. Sleep, and good sleep at that, is necessary to rejuvenate the body and mind for all living organisms. For mammals, it is critical for survival. On average, adults need 7–8 hours of sleep; teenagers need 9 hours; and infants, sixteen hours a day.
We may have the best in terms of a proper sleep environment or the best mattress and accessories, and yet find it difficult to fall asleep. This could be due to stress, tension or overwork. Instead of settling into a comfortable slumber, we lie wide awake, staring at the ceiling.
Erratic sleep schedules wreak havoc on the body, affecting its natural ability to restore, rejuvenate, repair tissue, and build muscle, etc. It can affect memory, cognitive abilities, judgement, reaction time and decision making also. Continued sleep deprivation can lead to shrinking of the brain and can even kill brain cells.
Sleep deprivation also leads to weight gain. Lack of adequate sleep nudges the body to produce a hunger hormone called ‘ghrelin’. This makes us consume more food, especially ‘comfort foods.’
Sleep consists of five stages, with each stage lasting for an average of 90 minutes. The final stage of sleep, called the REM sleep is when the body processes emotional stress. Insufficient sleep hampers this process. The body then produces more cortisol, the stress hormone.
Not everything is clear about this mysterious stage. The fact remains, however, that it is vital for our survival.
In case, the grandma’s ‘counting sheep’ trick isn’t working for you, we have help at hand.
Here are top sleep hacks you can try out this week to start sleeping better.
1. Set a sleep schedule
Follow your circadian rhythm. This is the body’s 24-hour internal clock or natural sleep-wake cycle. When you notice your body getting exhausted at a certain time in the night, prepare for sleep. And wake up at the same time every morning. Setting a regular sleep schedule lets the body know what to expect. Follow this on weekdays and weekends also.
2. Power napping
Power naps improve brain function and creativity. The ideal duration of a typical power nap is not more than 25–30 minutes. Alertness levels drop between 1 pm and 3 pm, making it the ideal time for napping. It is important to note that power napping cannot be a replacement for night-time sleep.
3. Exercise
Get at least thirty minutes of daily exercise in the morning or early evening. This will improve your sleep schedule and sleep quality. Avoid strenuous exercise or the likes at least four hours before sleep.
4. No stimulants
Stimulants taken before bedtime can interfere with sleep schedules. And the after-effects of the same take up to six to seven hours to wear off. Avoid tea, coffee, sodas, cigarettes, alcohol before bedtime.
5. Sleep ritual
A ritual is a series of fixed actions performed in a precise order. And inculcating a proper sleep ritual will train the brain to get ready to sleep. Eat a light dinner at least two to three hours before bed as this will prevent the digestion process from interfering with your sleep. Take a warm shower, read a book, say a night-time prayer or affirmations before you switch off the lights.
6. No gadgets
Electronic gadgets radiate a blue light that interferes with the brain’s ability to unwind and prepare for sleep. Turn off all gadgets like laptops and smartphones, an hour before going to sleep.
7. Sleep environment
Good quality mattresses and accessories enhance the quality of sleep. Mattresses need replacement every eight years. Accessories like eye masks block out incoming light from the eyes. Also, it is important to choose the right pillow, depending on your sleeping style. Those who sleep on their stomach need thin pillows; while those sleeping on the side need thicker and firmer ones. Burn incense candles before going to sleep as incense, especially lavender, brings about a feeling of calmness and creates a favourable sleep environment.
8. Meditate
Meditate before sleep. This restores a sense of calm, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, decreasing stress, etc. Find a comfortable place to sit with your eyes closed and meditate, and you will notice a significant improvement in your sleep.
Try any of the following techniques of meditation to sleep better.
· Ujjayi breathing technique- Use the right ring finger to block the left nostril. Inhale for four counts through the right nostril. Hold for two counts and then close the right nostril with your thumb and exhale through the left nostril. Do this equally for both the nostrils.
· Visualisation- Visualise and focus on a calm place like a still lake, sky, or a peaceful field. Observe the feeling that emanates from this experience.
· Counting- Count backwards from 100. Bring yourself back on track in case you lose focus.
9. Healthy diet
Fat rich junk foods take longer to digest. Hence, avoid them before going to bed. They interfere with the sleep schedule and the ability to fall asleep. Increase your intake of healthy foods, like fresh fruits, vegetables, pulses, chicken, and fish.
10. Limited water intake
Avoid drinking too much water before bedtime. Excess water intake increases midnight restroom visits and disrupts sleep.
11. Drink Chamomile tea
This is an ancient ruse and is very helpful in treating sleep deprivation. Chamomile increases the body’s production of glycine, which relaxes the nerves.
12. List down problems
Finding it hard to fall asleep because of a problem you are facing? Write them down on paper. Writing down the problem and possible solutions will clear your head and help you relax.
13. Socks
Slip-on some socks before bedtime. Warm feet are a great sleep inducer.
14. Repaint the bedroom
Repaint the bedroom in shades of cool colours like light yellow or light blue. This induces a sense of calm and tranquility.
There is a direct relationship between productivity and prosperity. Work and consumerism have taken precedence over leisure in recent years. And this has affected the quality of sleep. The advent of the digital age and also smartphones has merged the lines separating work-life and home-life. Sleep deprivation, hence, is a genuine concern in the modern world that we live in.
While the above tips are not a quick fix, they offer a definite solution when practised consistently.
Ensure you use good quality mattresses and accessories. This is, without a doubt, the first and most important step towards a good night’s rest.