How to combat snoring — the do’s and don’ts

7 min readFeb 18, 2020


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Snoring is very frequently equated with sleep and sleep-related issues, and it is one of the most annoying sleep habits. The snorer disrupting your sleep could be a spouse or partner, sibling, parent or an elderly family member. 45–50% of normal adults snore — either regularly or occasionally. If you aren’t the one who snores, you most likely know someone who does.

Although it never appears to be a problem for those who snore, it is widely accepted that snoring is more of a nuisance to those who sleep with or near them. However, contrary to popular belief, snoring can be a problem for those who snore as well. So, why do people actually snore during bedtime?

When we sleep, our body relaxes, and so do all our muscles. In a normal scenario, the air we breathe goes in freely through our nose, down our throat, to the lungs, and back up in the same order. However, in people who snore, there is usually a problem with the free passage of air through the nose and throat during sleep, or the muscles relax too much. Due to this, when they inhale, the tissues vibrate and it results in the snoring sound.

Though snoring is a common sleeping habit, people who occasionally snore usually do so when they have a cold, a stuffy nose, or a bad throat. In either of these cases, the pathway of air is blocked. Did you know that the way you snore can actually give a sign as to why you snore? People can snore with their mouth open or closed. Those who do so with their mouth open could be snoring because of a problem with their tongue, whereas for those who snore with their mouth closed, their throat is the cause of their snoring.

  • Floppy tissue in the nose or the throat.
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea (a condition wherein the breathing is disrupted when the individual is sleeping for a short period of time) — About 75% of the people who snore suffer from this condition, but are unaware of it.
  • Excessive Obesity.
  • Sleep-deprived individuals.

Other common reasons for snoring can be sleeping on the back or drinking too much alcohol. Snoring may seem harmless and is so in most cases. However, snoring due to conditions like obstructive Sleep Apnea can lead to the development of heart diseases. If you are troubled by your snoring or that of a loved one, here are some practical ways to combat snoring.

The Dos and Don’ts of Snoring

Change Your Sleeping Posture

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One of the common reasons that result in a person snoring is sleeping on your back. In this position, the base of one’s tongue and the soft palate collapse to the wall of your throat. This causes vibration while you breathe and results in snoring.

Tip: Avoid sleeping on your back. Instead, try sleeping on your side during bedtime to reduce snoring.

Lose Weight

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You may have noticed that you have started snoring fairly recently, as a consequence of putting on weight. If this is so, then it may be a good idea to lose some weight and bring it down to optimum figures. Overweight or obese individuals have increased tissues in their bodies, including their throat, which leads to snoring.

Tip: You can reduce weight by regular exercising and reducing caloric intake.

Cure Chronic Allergies

Chronic sinusitis and cold can cause a frequent stuffy nose and force one to breathe through their mouth while they sleep, resulting in snoring. If you or someone you know who snores is suffering from frequent bouts of cold and allergies, it may be wise to consult a doctor or physician and get them treated.

Tip: Stay away from common allergens like dust, pollen, polluted gases, etc. that you are aware of and can trigger an allergy.

Avoid Alcohol Consumption

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While we can all agree that consuming alcohol is a habit that everyone can avoid, it is particularly crucial for individuals who snore. They must avoid drinking alcohol during dinner and just before bedtime.

Tip: Avoid drinking alcohol in the evening or at night!

Raise the Head-Side of your Bed

It has been observed that raising the head-side of your bed by 3–4 inches helps reduce snoring to a large extent as it helps keep your airways open. Another option is to use a high pillow or a mattress that gives the same effect.

Tip: Look for ways to elevate your bed or a find pillow or mattress that can help you do so!

Correct Nasal Defects

Another reason for snoring can be structural defects of your nose, especially a deviated nasal septum. It normally is in the middle of the nose, but when deviated, it can obstruct airflow while sleeping and result in snoring.

Tip: Deviated nasal septum can be treated surgically!

Avoid Sedatives Before Bed

It has been observed that taking sedatives before bedtime can cause snoring. To deal with a snoring problem, check if there is any sedative intake. If there is, it may be a good idea to consult with a doctor regarding the medication that has been prescribed to you.

Tip: Check with your doctor for alternatives to your current sedatives. Herbal teas, noise machines, and avoiding screen time before bed are also some ways to improve your quality of sleep.

Anti-Snoring Mouth Appliance

There are dental appliances that are primarily fabricated to keep the airways open and prevent snoring.

Tip: Visit your dentist for an evaluation and check if an anti-snoring mouth appliance is a suitable option for you.

Surgical Procedures

Some sleeping habits like snoring require some medical interventions. One such intervention is a procedure referred to as the ‘pillar procedure’, that stiffens the soft palate and reduces its vibration while breathing. Another medical procedure is Somnoplasty, which combats snoring by reducing the tissue on the soft palate using low-frequency radio waves.

Tip: Always factor in the cost and side effects of any surgical procedure before agreeing to it. Consult your dentist for more information.

Don’t Smoke

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Just like alcohol, smoking is a habit that one must stay away from. Smoking is the cause of many health ailments and problems, including snoring. In fact, smoking can aggravate or precipitate snoring in an individual with no history of the same.

Tip: Easy and cheap ways to quit smoking include distracting yourself, replacing cigarettes with chewing gum, or sipping water when you find yourself craving a smoke.

Get Good Sleep

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Individuals who are sleep deprived or get a poor quality of sleep are commonly the ones who snore. Overtired muscles result in snoring.

Tip: Aim for 7–8 hours of sleep every day! Try meditation to get a good sleep before bedtime.

Keep Your Bedroom Moist

Dry air and allergens on your bed sheets and pillows can act as irritants and trigger an allergic reaction. This can cause snoring just before one goes to bed. Use a humidifier to increase the level of moisture, and change your pillow covers and bed covers frequently to keep allergens at bay.

Tip: Drying your clothes indoors and leaving the door open when showering are inexpensive ways to keep your bedroom moist.

Avoid Certain Food Habits Before Bedtime

Consuming large meals, or eating foods like soy milk or dairy before sleeping can make the snoring worse. Avoid these foods and get rid of snoring!

Tip: Construct a meal plan for each day of the week to make sure you adhere to the appropriate food habits.

How Can One Deal with Snoring

Believe it or not, snoring has been a point of contention and relationship problems between couples. But most times, the ones who snore are usually caught off-guard and also feel embarrassed or hurt when their snoring is brought up, generally because they are unaware of the snoring! In most cases, these individuals refuse to accept that they snore. So, what do you do?

Well, one of the first things to do to combat and manage the problem of snoring is the acceptance of the fact that you may have a snoring problem. Individuals who have their partners/ spouses must be able to deal with this problem together.

While snoring may seem to be a simple problem, it can wreak havoc in relationships, especially between partners. But, the important thing to note is that it is a manageable problem and just needs some understanding from the individual and his/her family members. With the dos and don’ts mentioned above, it’s time to get rid of snoring!




Written by Wakefit

Wakefit is a research and innovation driven sleep solutions company founded with a vision to democratize sleep in India.

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