Getting sufficient sleep for most of us is more of a luxury than a necessity. Even though a third of our lives is supposed to be dedicated to resting and rebooting ourselves through proper sleep, how much of it do we really provide our bodies with?
Sleep deprivation isn’t simply caused due to a lack of a dedicated number of hours to sleep. Rather, there are many other governing factors which may be a contributing towards us not getting the correct amount of rest our bodies require to bounce back with a bang.
In order to ensure a good night’s sleep, it is mandatory that you have a comfortable mattress, cosy pillows, an adjustable bed frame, and above all, the correct position, which imparts maximum relaxation, not just to your body but also to your mind and soul. Remember, creating a blissful haven to sleep in is as important as getting a good night’s sleep.
What is the Best Position to Sleep in?
Sleeping position is a person’s personal choice, and it varies from individual to individual. However, your sleeping posture, if not correct, maybe the cause of endless health problems that you might be facing.
The different positions of sleep include
1. Back
According to specialists, it’s best is to sleep on your back, as in this position, your neck, head, and spine get a neutral position to rest in. In other words, it implies that while sleeping, none of these areas are being subjected to any sort of extra pressure. Hence, you would get up fresh and pain-free. Additionally, it has been noticed that people who sleep facing the ceiling can ideally ward off acid reflux within the body.
2. Fetal
An alternative theory suggests that sleeping in the Fetal position, on the sides with your legs curled up, conducts a better cleaning up regime for the brain, which, in turn, helps avoid neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. Also, it is one of the healthiest postures to rest in because the spine gets to remain in its natural position. It is one of the most favoured and adapted positions of sleep, common in every 4 out of 10 individuals on an average.
Sleeping on the left side is especially recommended for pregnant women as this improves circulation to the growing baby and even prevents the liver from pressing against the uterus.
3. Log
Many people feel comfortable sleeping on their side, with both hands tucked down, close to the body. This position is particularly good health-wise as it allows your back to be in a straight position and even assists in cutting down on sleep apnea.
Having said that, even the spine stays aligned in its position, thereby relieving your neck and back pain too. However, it is advisable to ease the pressure on your hips by placing a pillow or a folded blanket between the knees.
4. Freefall
In this position, the person sleeps on his stomach, with his hands tucked under the pillow or on either side of the head. This may not be a very comfortable posture and may lead to lower back and neck pain. Since it is not as pleasant and relaxing, you might find yourself tossing and turning in bed while trying to get comfortable on your belly.
However, people who are addicted to this posture can find some relief by avoiding stiff pillows and sleeping facing the mattress so as to keep their airway open.
5. Soldier
Sleeping with your back laid out flat and arms by the side causes snoring. This is not just annoying for the person sleeping next to you but can also be a cause of sleep disruption and thickening of the carotid artery, responsible for supplying blood to the brain, neck, and face.
Also, this position can aggravate sleep apnea and even cause a sore lower back. However, one advantage of sleeping in this position is that it can help with acid reflux considerably. To keep your back pain in check, you can place a pillow or rolled-up towel under your knees to support the natural curve of your spine.
6. Starfish
Just like a starfish, in this position, one tends to sleep on their back with both legs apart and hands on either side of the head. This position, again, is excellent for acid reflux but can be a major cause for snoring and aggravation of sleep apnea. However, to make it a little more comfortable, use a firm pillow and place it place under your knees to support your back.
Changing your sleeping habits, including the position most comfortable to you, may not be very easy as you may be addicted to it. However, trying out better and more supportive mattresses and pillows can work wonders and even assist majorly in bringing about a healthy and cosy resting regime.
Sleeping Position and Personality
Did you know that the position in which you sleep speaks volumes about your personality? How you find comfort while sleeping, in terms of the posture in which you prefer to relax and rest, is quite an intimate reflection of what is soothing to you. Again, the manner in which you snooze in your unconscious mind, while you lay lost in your sleep reflects an honest expression of your inner self.
Here are some observations which have been taken into account according to the sleeping pastures of individuals.
- People who rest in the shooting star position are trustworthy and good communicators. They tend to let their guard down with ease and are very amiable and liked by others.
- People who sleep in the child-like position are more reserved and cautious when it comes to making new friends. They portray a tough exterior but have an extremely soft, sensitive, and kind inner self.
Every individual has their separate views regarding the most feasible sleeping position, but honestly speaking, any position is a good position for those who are sleep deprived. For them, whatever position can put them to sleep instantly is good enough. According to statistics, your sleep environment is another major guiding force, which can make up for your lost sleep and get you out of sleep deprivation.
Sleeping Right- Can you Train yourself to Change the Position of your Sleep?
Not sleeping in the correct position can cause many health issues, as discussed above. However, it is also not child’s play to switch from one position to another to get that sleep quotient correct while also ensuring your body gets the relaxation and rejuvenation it requires to remain active and healthy. Each individual is unique and has their own bedtime needs. The best position to sleep in is to sleep on your back, and one can actually train themselves to do so by following these steps.
- Place pillows on both sides of your body when you are ready to go to bed. Place one pillow under your knees to provide support to your lower back. This will hold you in place and even avoid you from switching positions.
- Another way to ensure you remain on your back throughout the night is to sew two tennis balls on each side of your shirt. The moment you turn to your side, the discomfort will get you back to the original position, even during deep slumber.
Remember, it may be difficult during the initial stages to adapt to a healthier, yet different, sleeping position than what you have been following for years now, but consistent efforts can help you in achieving it sooner rather than later. Not only will this improve your overall health and relieve you of body aches when you get up the next morning, but it will also pep your mood up and impart immense energy to you, to take up the day as it comes.
Closing thoughts
Your sleeping posture does play a pivotal role in imparting quality to your rest-time. However, your mattress and pillows, too, play a vital role in ensuring you get the comfort and relaxation that your body requires after a hard day’s toil. So, be wise in choosing the correct paraphernalia for your quality sleep time.
You can seek help in this regard by logging on to the Wakefit website, the best online portal for a variety of mattresses and pillows to choose from. So get going and start adding those quality hours of sleep to your daily clock without further delay.